To my wonderful teachers out there, I would like to share one of my all time favorites:
"Tommy thumbs up"
My version that I learned is a little bit different than the ones found online nowadays.
Tommy thumbs up
And Tommy thumbs down
Tommy thumbs dancing
All around town.
Dance 'em on your shoulders
Dance 'em on your knees
Dance 'em on your head
And *kiss kiss* tuck 'em into bed.
Peter Pointers up
And Peter Pointers down
Peter Pointers dancing
All around town.
Dance 'em on your shoulders
Dance 'em on your knees
Dance 'em on your head
And *kiss kiss* tuck 'em into bed.
Tall mans up
And Tall mans down
Tall mans dancing
All around town.
Dance 'em on your shoulders
Dance 'em on your knees
Dance 'em on your head
And *kiss kiss* tuck 'em into bed.
Ring Fingers up
And Ring Fingers down
Ring Fingers dancing
All around town.
Dance 'em on your shoulders
Dance 'em on your knees
Dance 'em on your head
And *kiss kiss* tuck 'em into bed.
Baby Pinkies up
And Baby Pinkies down
Baby Pinkies dancing
All around town.
Dance 'em on your shoulders
Dance 'em on your knees
Dance 'em on your head
And *kiss kiss* tuck 'em into bed.