Despite the countless versions of "The Little Old Lady", Pam Adam's version was my most favorite (The book on the right). I really like the colors and illustrations on die-cut pages that show what she swallows. As you can see, I somewhat followed the image of the old lady in my felt story.
(*Note: image on the right) There is one felt story out there that scares me the most. I had a co-worker of mine share it one time and one toddler completely freaked out. At first, I really liked the clarity and realistic image of the old lady; however, when I found out you can place things in her mouth, that was when my imagination fell loose. This felt story is very interactive and has quality. If I had this at my center, I would use it. I would try and get over the fact that this lady is just "pretend". I hope to eventually stop shivering from looking at this felt story. Thank you RR for introducing the story. I miss you!
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